Statistics Survey: The Book Addict’s Guide in 2015


Obsessed with your bookish stats like we are? Join The Book Addict’s Guide and Andi’s ABCs for the second annual Statistics Survey!
(see the original post with linky here!)

This survey is all about the facts and details behind what you read and not necessarily favorites and reflecting. Fill out and post whenever you like! These statistics should all be for books that you read in 2015 (not books necessarily published in 2015). We have a linky in the original post (without our answers) to link up your survey once it’s done! Hope you have fun!

number of statistics survey

  • Number of books read…
    • Under 250 pages (not including novellas): 4 (The Detour, Calvin, Fairest, Alanna)
    • Between 400-449 pages: 11
    • Between 450-499 pages: 6
    • Over 500 pages: 8
    • Over 1000 pages: None this year! But The Wise Man’s Fear was 994! So close!!
  • Number of…
    • Audiobooks: 34! Wow, can you imagine what my life would be like without them!?
    • Re-reads: 9
    • DNFs (did not finish): 6. Wow, that’s not bad. Usually I DNF a LOT more! I think I’m being pickier this year.
  • Number of books rated…
    • Five Stars: 27. That also includes some re-reads, though. 18 not including re-reads eeeep
    • One/Two Stars: Only two 2-star books! My first one was one of the first ones of the year and I vowed to be pickier. Then I ended up bumping a 2.5 star book from 3 stars to 2 on Goodreads because it just didn’t sit well with me.
  • Number of authors met in 2015: Oh my, I don’t know how to possibly count that. I met every single author at YA Fandom Frenzy so that was quite a few right there plus events plus BEA plus ALA. A lot?
  • Number of book events attended in 2015: Oy, again. Hmmm… Eight, I think.
  • Number of books you read in one day: 5
  • Number of books that made you cry: About ten, give or take
  • Number of 2016 books you have on pre-order: 5 (The Raven King, Heartless, Stars Above, A Court of Mist and Fury, The Skylighter)

by the books statistics survey

  • Book read furthest away from home (vacation reads?): Hmmm. I think the only place I traveled this year was NY for BEA so that will be when I started SIX OF CROWS!
  • Book that took you the longest to read: Hm, on a technicality, TRIAL BY FIRE because I read like 17 pages in 2014 and then finished almost a year later in 2015! In actuality, AMERICAN GODS took me almost a month to read.
  • Book that you personally connected with the most: Hmmm I don’t really think there was a book that I connected with super personally this year so I’ll go with a book I was incredibly invested in… kind of a toss up between QUEEN OF SHADOWS and THE NAME OF THE WIND.
  • Book that made you love the villain: If we’re talking more anti-hero, SIX OF CROWS. Actual villain? Ummm. Let’s go with RED QUEEN, and you know why.
  • Book you said you’d come back to but still haven’t picked up again: I actually didn’t put too many books on temporary hold this year! I did pause on THE KNIGHT OF SEVEN KINGDOMS because my audiobook loaded on my phone all out of order and I need to fix that before I can start again.
  • Book you read waaaay before it’s publication date: Ooh let’s see which one wins. I thought it might be SIX OF CROWS but it’s actually THE SKYLIGHTER by Becky Wallace! I finished in November and it comes out in March 2016.
  • Book you read on your birthday: THE REPUBLIC OF THIEVES by Scott Lynch and a re-read of ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS by Stephanie Perkins
  • Book with a character who shares your name: This is always so hard! I don’t know if I had one this year…
  • Book you weren’t entirely truthful about when rating (Fluff up any ratings? Rated even though you didn’t finish?): And the truth comes out… I guess the biggest black sheep moment was when I read UPROOTED with my On the Same Page gals. They LOVED it. It just wasn’t the book for me. I think I ended up rating it three stars because I felt so bad (not to mention stupid) but I really had a hard time with it and didn’t connect. Three stars might have been a bit cushy. I didn’t even write a review for it!
  • Book you read in 2015 but already want to re-read: Probably ILLUMINAE! I also have the audio of it so I need to re-read that soon! You wouldn’t think the audio would be great with the formatting but I’ve heard it’s fantastic. 
  • Book you borrowed from a friend a long time ago and still have: That’s easy. Sorry to Andi that I still have her copy of TWIST by Karen Akins. And I still have Lisa’s copy of THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN. (Do you guys need these back????)
  • Book you which you could go back and read for the first time again: Probably QUEEN OF SHADOWS! It was so freaking magical.
  • Most books read by one author this year: Five from Janet Evanovich, five from Brandon Sanderson, five from Marissa Meyer

this & that statistics survey

  • Happiest & saddest: Probably re-read of ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS (happy) and ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES by Jennifer Nevin (sad)
  • Longest & shortest…
    • By page number: THE WISE MAN’S FEAR by Patrick Rothfuss (994 pgs), CALVIN by Martine Leavitt (192 pgs)
    • By title: NEED by Joelle Charbonneau (1 word, 4 letters), HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS (6 words)
    • From buying to reading: The easiest route is to go with MITOSIS, the novella for The Reckoners series by Brandon Sanderson. I finished STEELHEART and immediately bought and started the audiobook! Longest from buying to reading is any of the Stephanie Plum books! I stocked up on the mass markets back in 2011 and am just getting to some of them now!
  • Best & worst…
    • Average rating on Goodreads: QUEEN OF SHADOWS (4.65), A WICKED THING (3.32 — this was actually my only two-star rating this year. Guess I wasn’t alone!)
    • Books you read/your rating: I’d actually say QUEEN OF SHADOWS was probably the best book I read this year and as far as finishing goes, A WICKED THING is still my least favorite. I have some DNFs that were possibly worse but we’ll still with books I finished.
    • Series enders: WINTER by Marissa Meyer (best), STRANGE AND EVER AFTER by Susan Dennard (worst). I was really disappointed with this last book. Maybe too much time went by… Maybe I fell out of love… Maybe both… But it just felt like nothing grew from the second to the third book and it seemed really hard to get into.
  • First & last…
    • Reads of 2015: THERE WILL BE LIES by Nick Lake (first), HEADS WILL ROLL (A Necromancer Novella,  last)
    • Books on your bookcase (1st book on the top left and last book on the bottom right): HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE (UK Hardcover – first), DAUGHTER OF THE FOREST (last)
  • Most disappointing & biggest pleasant surprise: AN EMBER IN THE ASHES was the most disappointing. There was SO MUCH HYPE and lots of people loved it. Even with my favorite narrators EVER, I DNFed. Pleasant surprise was probably ALANNA! I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy it being more MG than YA (at least for the first book of the series) but it was just so delightful.
  • Fandom you joined & one you abandoned: Ooh, the Kingkiller Chronicle fandom is one I joined, hardcore! I think I’m dropping the Lauren Oliver fandom. I loved DELIRIUM but every other book since that one has just been meh for me.
  • Series you picked up & series you quit: I picked up The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss, The Reckoners Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson, and actually kind of got into RED QUEEN. Hmmmmm I don’t know if there was a series that I decided not to continue! I read a couple books that I didn’t totally enjoy but they were series-enders or stand alones.
  • Most lenient & harshest ratings: A few of my three-star ratings were a bit lenient (NEED, WE’LL NEVER BE APART, UPROOTED) because they were closer to 2.5 than three. Harshest ratings… probably A WICKED THING since it was my only two-star rating and CALL ME, MAYBE by Ellie Cahill. I loved the beginning but had a hard time with the middle to the end so I ended up giving it three on Goodreads.
  • Most hyped & furthest under the radar that you read: Most-hyped is probably WINTER or SIX OF CROWS… or QUEEN OF SHADOWS or ILLUMINAE haha. Under the radar… probably THINGS I CAN’T EXPLAIN. It was adult/NA and I feel like no one really read/heard of it.

grab bag statistics survey

  • Book you read that is red: RED GLOVE by Holly Black
  • Starts with X, Y, or Z: I didn’t have any! No “you” or “your” at all.
  • Book you hugged when you finished it: WINTER and QUEEN OF SHADOWS
  • Book you wanted to throw across a room: NEED by Joelle Charbonneau
  • Food you craved while/after reading a certain book: Freakin’ Stephanie Plum always makes me want donuts.
  • Book that became an instant go-to recommendation: EMMY & OLIVER by Robin Benway
  • Furthest out of your comfort zone: What I thought would be out of my comfort zone: ALANNA, PETER AND THE STAR CATCHERS, HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE. What really was: UPROOTED
  • Read on a recommendation (that you may not have picked up yourself): THE LIES ABOUT TRUTH by Courtney C. Stevens. I haven’t been reading more “serious” realistic/contemp and this one was fab!
  • Forced yourself to finish: Any two star book, some of my threes
  • Series or author’s works you binged (whether all at once or throughout the year): I read all of A.C. Gaughen’s books back-to-back-to-back and did a series review!


  • First… 
  • Last…
  • Number of posts in 2015: 295
  • Number of reviews posted this year: 98
  • Least coherent review: For some reason it was LOOP by Karen Akins. I waited forever to write my review and just had no words. I had to come up with a new post-type just to write things about it haha!
  • Post with the most views (posted in 2015): If You Liked… Divergent
  • Post you wish you could re-write: My YA MBTI Personality chart. I got a SUPER nasty reply (that is not in the comments so don’t go lookin’!) about how wrong I was about the personalities and how off-base I was on everything. I did put a disclaimer in there that I was not an expert and did this totally for fun but I guess some people feel the need to be correct and tear someone down over leaving well enough alone. It just made me feel super bad about the post and I almost took it down… But so many other people appreciated it and had fun with it and I realized that I shouldn’t let one stranger’s opinion turn me off. I tried to be as accurate as I could and did put a note in there that it was only for fun. OH WELL.

Thanks so much for joining our 2015 Statistics Survey! We hope you had a lot of fun! Want to share with others? Post the link to your answers in the linky in the original intro post!

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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6 thoughts on “Statistics Survey: The Book Addict’s Guide in 2015

  1. Wattle

    I love your end of year review! Mhm American Gods, I haven’t read that for an age, think I’ll have to give it a re-read this year (so long, so weird, I love it!)

    Aren’t Patrick Rothfuss’s books amazing? I’m so invested in that series and Kvothe *sigh*

    You’ve totally reminded me I need to get to some Brandon Sanderson this year, they’ve been sitting on my shelves (taking up so much space because I swear between them all is a very large tree).

  2. ShootingStarsMag

    Fun post! I do like all of these wrap-up type of posts. I haven’t done any, but maybe next week? I need to schedule ahead more. haha

    I don’t like audiobooks because I can’t focus, but I HAVE heard Illuminae is actually better than you would think with the format. That’s one I’d love to re-read as well. I still have to read Winter, but I finally have a copy so I’m getting closer!


  3. Heather

    I think of Stephanie Plum everytime I see a Tastycakes delivery truck driving around. I don’t think I’ve ever had a Tastycakes but she seems to like them.

  4. Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook

    I’m sorry someone left such a nasty comment on that MBTI Post. That’s awful. But don’t let it get you down. I’m glad you kept the post up.

    I’m going to post my Survey next week. I’ve been working on it. It’s difficult, though, when you read so many audiobooks (over 50). They don’t always have the page numbers in that item record on goodreads so I have to go through them. Audiobooks are the best, though, right?

    Also, I so understand how you end up wanting donuts when you’re reading Stephanie Plum. I don’t even LIKE donuts much, and I end up craving them! 🙂

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