Welcome to the blog tour for
by Emily Henry!
I’m thrilled to be on the blog tour today for THE LOVE THAT SPLIT THE WORLD by Emily Henry! I finished the book a couple weeks ago and I am still so in love with everything about it. This was truly a special book and I’m truly thankful that I get to be a part of the blog tour too! Today’s post features a playlist of songs that Emily Henry has selected for one of the main characters and male lead Beau and I have to tell you… they’re absolutely perfect!
Before we jump into the tour, let’s take a second to check out some details about the book:

Publishing Info: January 26, 2016 by Penguin
Genres: Contemporary, Young Adult, Parallel Universe, Time Travel, Science Fiction
Find it on the web: Buy from Amazon // GoodreadsDate Completed: January 17, 2016
Related Posts: The Love That Split the World
Natalie Cleary must risk her future and leap blindly into a vast unknown for the chance to build a new world with the boy she loves.
Natalie’s last summer in her small Kentucky hometown is off to a magical start... until she starts seeing the “wrong things.” They’re just momentary glimpses at first—her front door is red instead of its usual green, there’s a pre-school where the garden store should be. But then her whole town disappears for hours, fading away into rolling hills and grazing buffalo, and Nat knows something isn’t right.
That’s when she gets a visit from the kind but mysterious apparition she calls “Grandmother,” who tells her: “You have three months to save him.” The next night, under the stadium lights of the high school football field, she meets a beautiful boy named Beau, and it’s as if time just stops and nothing exists. Nothing, except Natalie and Beau.
Emily Henry’s stunning debut novel is Friday Night Lights meets The Time Traveler’s Wife, and perfectly captures those bittersweet months after high school, when we dream not only of the future, but of all the roads and paths we’ve left untaken.
For the tour today, Emily Henry put together a playlist for Beau! I absolutely adore it and love her selections. Take it away, Emily!
When I made a playlist for Natalie, earlier, I made the decision to focus the tracks on things I thought she would listen to. Beau’s playlist is a little bit different. Some I think he would listen to, but others just capture him, I think. Odds are he’d listen to a lot more country I’m not familiar with or old rock I don’t like enough to know about but I also think he’d keep some of the classics close to his heart. I actually asked my husband to help me with this, and we jointly decided that even though Beau has a complex relationship with his father, a lot of the music Beau would listen to would’ve come from his dad. (Sidenote: while we were making this, my husband asked me if Beau likes Elvis and without missing a beat, I said, “No, but his grandma does, and he calls her ‘granny.’” So there’s that.)
See the full playlist on YouTube!
- Glenn Campbell – Gentle on My Mind: This classic is just so fitting for Beau and what he wants out of life. Natalie is ambitious and driven and searching, but Beau’s got a simpler idea of happiness and contentment, which this song captures well.
- Neil Young – Heart of Gold: I just came up with an elaborate backstory for why this song matters to Beau. This is 100% not in the book, but I made him up, so I’m allowed to do this. Growing up, Beau really looked up to his dad’s older brother, who was just sort of a kind, laid-back dude who travelled a lot with weird, random jobs, but died when Beau was thirteen or fourteen. At his funeral, a friend of his played and sung a not-great cover of this song, and it’s stuck in Beau’s heart since. He wants to be the kind of man his uncle was.
- Charlie Feathers – Can’t Hardly Stand It: I love the drawl of this song. It’s perfect dive-bar rockabilly but also super classic. I mostly like to imagine this playing on the jukebox wherever Beau and his brother are playing pool. As a sidenote, let’s please make sure we never get rid of jukeboxes.
- Ryan Adams – The Shadowlands: I don’t know whether Beau would listen to Ryan Adams. Natalie and Megan would listen to Ryan Adams and be like, “Ughhh, this is just like Beau!” and then Beau would just smile and think it was charming but have no intention of ever listening to Ryan Adams. HOWEVER, this song makes me think of him. He’s had a pretty rough life. If Natalie were PMSing and she heard this, she’d start crying immediately. Wow, it’s so sad and beautiful.
- Rolling Stones – Play with Fire: Mostly needed something upbeat, and I love this song. But Beau is a liiiiitle “dangerous” (heavy on the air quotes) for a girl like Natalie. I also do think Beau likes the Rolling Stones. (I bet his dad would listen to them while sitting in a folding chair in the garage, drinking beer and drumming on his belly, before he got sober.)
- Neil Young & Crazy Horse – Hey hey, My My (Into the Black): I imagine he listens to this while he’s working on his car. That’s incredibly vague because I know nothing about cars, but BEAU does, and he definitely listens to this while he’s fixing them.
- George Harrison – I Live For You: Frankly, I do not think Beau cares about the Beatles. I think if you asked him what he thought about them, he’d be like, “They’re all raht.” And you’d be like, “Did you hear me? Because I said The Beatles. Arguably the most significant band of all time.” And he’d be like, “I like George all raht.” Because George was the most country. Plus this song relates to Beau’s idea of a good life. Beautiful place, doing things you love, with a person you’d do anything for.
- Tom Waits – In Between Love: Natalie would totally show Beau Tom Waits, expecting him to love it, and then Beau would make fun of Tom Waits’s voice. He’d be like, “This guy sounds like he’s been eating lit cigarettes.” Nat would get mad and Beau would admit he liked it. I honestly don’t know if he’d be lying or not. I bet it would grow on him.
- Bob Seger – Night Moves: Beau’s dad probably played this song while they drove around in his truck when Beau was little. Beau hated it then but loves to listen to listen to it while he drives his truck around now, not that he’d ever tell his dad.
- Big Star – Ballad of El Goodo: This is so fitting for Beau and his life. It’s such perfect “summer daytime driving with the windows-down” music, and that’s Beau’s favorite kind.
- Willie Nelson – Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground: I’d guess Beau’s a big Willie Nelson fan. I certainly HOPE he is, and that he has a Willie Nelson T-shirt, although I don’t know where he’d get it. He definitely doesn’t buy clothes. Maybe his brother bought it and Beau just started wearing it. I think he “gets” most of his clothes from the floor and doesn’t question where they came from. All that to say, he loves Willie Nelson and this song reminds him of Nat, for sure.
- Joe Cocker – Something: See “I Live For You” for a long explanation on Beau’s opinions on the Beatles. BUT, once you put a Beatles song in Joe Cocker’s voice, everything changes. I’m sure he’d love this cover, and it would remind him of Natalie.
- Johnny Cash – Hurt: Beau’s more likely to listen to classic Johnny Cash than this Nine Inch Nails cover, but I had to use it because it’s so powerful and ultimately lines up too perfectly with Beau’s feelings about himself, Nat, and the world.
- Glen Campbell – I’m Not Gonna Miss You: This song. Hnnnnnnnngh. It’s one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard. Glen Campbell’s team helped him record this while his Alzheimer’s was aggressively deteriorating his memory. It’s about how, when he forgets the people who love him, he won’t be sad. He won’t know what he’s missing. Nat and Beau have gone eighteen years not knowing each other. They wouldn’t have ever had to cross paths, and then this crazy thing happens and they’re thrown together. Two people who shouldn’t ever have met fall in love and it has this bigger-than-time effect. It leaves them feeling like they’ve been missing one another all along. They weren’t, but now that they have one another–and are afraid of losing that–they know what they were missing.
- Claude Debussy – Clair De Lune: Beau is a pianist, and while I don’t think he spends much time listening to classical music, I imagine he plays somewhat like this: sparse, beautiful, delicate songs.
- Rolling Stones – Wild Horses: This song just makes me cry immediately, and I’m not sure why. I don’t think Beau knows why it makes him feel something either (if I don’t, he stands no chance, being the sort of person who isn’t concerned with these questions). So much of Beau and the book are wrapped up in the song–thoughts about freedom and love, holding on and letting go, and ultimately about clinging to hope. I don’t want to give too much away, but I feel like this is the song to listen to when you finish the book.
Thanks, Emily! This playlist is stunning and absolutely perfect. Gahhh, my feels just thinking about these songs in relation to Beau! It kills me (in a good way)!
Have you read The Love That Split the World yet? What songs would you choose for Beau? Aren’t Emily Henry’s selections just perfect!?
Don’t miss the rest of The Love That Split the World blog tour stops!
http://theyoungfolks.com/ | The Young Folks | 1/18 – Interview |
http://readingteen.net/ | Reading Teen | 1/19 – Guest post 1 |
http://itstartsatmidnight.com | It Starts at Midnight | 1/20 – Top 10 list |
thehollowcupboards.blogspot.com | The Hollow Cupboards | 1/21 – Book soundtrack |
Http://www.owlalwaysbereading.com | Owl Always Be Reading | 1/22 – Review & giveaway |
http://www.fictionfare.com | Fiction Fare | 1/25 – Guest post 2 |
http://www.buttermybooks.com/ | Buttermybooks | 1/26 – Interview |
http://thehardcoverlover.blogspot.com | The Hardcover Lover | 1/27 – 25 Random Things About Me |
http://effortlesslyreading.com/ | Effortlessly Reading | 1/28 – Interview |
Http://www.amidsummernightsread.com | A Midsummer Night’s Read | 1/29 – Review & giveaway |
http://www.forestofwordsandpages.com/ | The Forest of Words and Pages | 2/1 – Character playlist |
http://www.loveisnotatriangle.com | Love is not a triangle | 2/2 – Would You Rather? |
http://pagesplotspint.wpengine.com | The Book Addict’s Guide | 2/3 – Character playlist 2 |
http://www.onceuponatwilight.com/ | Once Upon a Twilight | 2/4 – Dreamcasting post |
mugglenet.com | MuggleNet | 2/5 – Review & giveaway |
2 thoughts on “Blog Tour: The Love That Split the World by Emily Henry | Playlist”
This blog tour has definitely convinced me that I need this book in my life. Every post I see just convinces me more and more that I would want to read anything that Emily Henry writes!
Playlist posts are always my favorite! I haven’t had a chance to read this yet but I know a lot of people who are raving about it! I’m hoping to pick it up for next month 🙂 I’m sure I’ll be back to this post to reread the song choices after knowing the character more! Thanks for sharing!!