If you’re an avid reader and/or blogger, chances are you’ve spent a LOT of time on the social networking and cataloging site for books, Goodreads. Whether you’re updating a status, adding a new book, or interacting with friends, chances are you’ve had a majority of the experiences below!
1. Whew, done with my book! Time to update on Goodreads.
2. Update status. I’m finished!
3. I love that Goodreads is excited that I finished a book. Celebrate! Exclamation point!
4. That was a really good book! Hmm what should I rate it? Five stars?
5. No, four stars.
6. No, five stars.
7. Where’s the damn 4.5 star option!!! Will this ever exist?
8. Fine. I guess I have to round down to four.
9. But if I take a star off that’s saying I didn’t enjoy it AS much when I really did.
10. Okay, 4.5 stars rounding up to five stars.
11. I don’t feel like writing a whole review right now… But I guess I should write SOMETHING.
12. But ughhh I don’t feel like typing it all up now when I’ll go review it later.
13. But if I don’t write something now, I’ll probably forget what the whole damn book was about in 10 minutes.
14. Okay, fine. Just a short few sentences. My friends deserve to know how much I loved it, after all.
15. But really did wish that the author spent a little more time on the character relationships…
16. Okay, round down to four stars.
17. But omg, that world-building! The swoons!
18. Okay, back up to five stars. Aaaand save.
19. Ooh one of my blogger friends just reviewed this book too!
20. WHAT? Two stars? Is she crazy!? This book was phenomenal!
21. I guess she has a good point about the villain. And the romance. And the main character.
22. Okay, back down to four stars.
23. If I just had 4.5 stars, I wouldn’t have changed this at all.
24. But seriously two stars is harsh.
25. She rated ANOTHER favorite 2 stars? Bad reviews of my favorites are so hard to read.
26. Delete friend?
27. No. We’re actually friends. Maybe just remove from top friends.
28. Holy crap, who are all of these people on my friends list?
29. Johnny Q? Who is Johnny Q?
30. Non-fiction, classics, and Westerns? Where did Johnny Q come from? This one is really deleted. He won’t even know I’m gone.
31. Omg, one of my best friends is reading my favorite series!? Where was I when this started?
32. I really wish that author would come out with more books already. I’m DYING here. Let’s see what their page has to say.
33. WHAT. WHAT WHAT. Why is there a new book from my favorite author on Goodreads that I DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT.
34. Thanks a lot for telling me, you guys.
35. I’m going to immediately devour this synopsis.
36. Oh, it’s only a rumored book? It’s not even a real thing? Don’t add these to Goodreads unless we know they’re real, people! I almost had a heart attack.
37. But I do know that book five of that series is coming out in 2017! YES!
38. Why yes, I will totally vote for this on a 2017 Listopia list.
39. Whoa, look at all of these other 2017 books. Is it too early to start drooling over these new fantasies? Because I’m gonna.
40. Oh my godddd pioneer historical fiction? Amy would LOVE this!
41. I totally need to recommend this to my friends. Aaaand send.
42. How annoying is it when random people recommend books? I would never do that.
43. Speaking of which, I think I got a notification for a new book recommendation.
44. Oh no, that was a new group invite.
45. From…. Sherry? Who the heck is Sherry? And why the heck is she inviting me to groups?
46. Sherry is… apparently on my friends list. Who also just rated the book I just finished as two stars!? What the heck is wrong with you Sherry!?
47. Aaaand deleted.
48. Sherry doesn’t know what she’s talking about. THE FEELS. THE ACTION!
49. Okay, that book is totally back to five stars.
50. Oh man. Look at that scary TBR shelf. That’s an insane amount of books that I want to read.
51. I wonder what the actual exchange is here. Even if I read 100 books in a year, I probably at at least two to three hundred more to that list.
52. I have more books on my “to-read” list than I’ve even read in my entire life so far.
53. What if I don’t get to them all?
54. What if I don’t even get to the ones I really NEED to read!?
55. I can’t possible read all of the books on my to-read list if I keep adding new ones.
56. I should really go through and delete some books that I probably won’t read…
57. But what if I DO end up wanting to read them? That’s why they’re on my list, right?
58. Okay, I won’t touch it for now. Too much work anyway.
59. Ooh, check for duplicates. I haven’t done that in a while.
60. Yep, re-read. Yep, re-read. Yep, re-read. Wait, why are there two versions of Heist Society?
61. This is the one I read and this one… is only marked as signed.
62. Why, Goodreads, WHY? If I have it on my shelf already, why don’t you default to that one?
63. This isn’t the first time this has happened.
64. Double and triple check… and delete the stupid one.
65. Speaking of re-reads, I need to do another Harry Potter re-read.
66. I wonder how many times I’ve actually read them. Thanks a lot, teenage me, for not keeping track.
67. I may be a little too obsessed with my stats on Goodreads…
68. Which reminds me, let’s see how my reading challenge for the year is coming along! I’m almost afraid to look.
69. Two books behind?!
70. Maybe I should read some novellas to catch up to my goal…
71. Good thing I have a shelf dedicated to novellas to help me pick! Those crazy shelves come in handy.
72. And now time to speed read my way through two of these babies.
[bctt tweet=”72 Thoughts We’ve All Had While on Goodreads “]
36 thoughts on “72 Thoughts We’ve All Had While on Goodreads”
OMG this is hilarious I died honestly. Especially the back and forth on ratings. Now I won’t even look at what other people have rated until I’m done my review and have it posted on my blog.
I have quite a few books on Goodreads I’ve given 2 stars that other people rate a raving 5 stars with all the bells and whistles.
I don’t worry about it at all.
1 star reserved for books I just can’t finish for whatever reason.
This is the most accurate post ever. Like this is why I can never get anything done, because I do ALL these things. Like, every time! I love when I see someone all over my feed who I have like, zero books in common with, and I am thinking “how did you get there!?” Sneaky! And the TBR reduction? Why even bother? I spent so much time agonizing over every book I deleted and after 2 hours, I’d only gotten rid of 12 books! And probably added 20 more 😉
THIS IS SO ACCURATE! Definitely had fun reading this. xD
hahahaha this post was so good Brittany! and so true! 🙂
This is my favorite post of ever, Brittany!! I’m so glad that I spent some time perusing Bloglovin’ so I didn’t miss this one – this is so ME on Goodreads!
Love this!!!
Oh my, I LOVE this. As a Goodreads addict myself, all of this is so true. Hilarious, thanks for sharing =)
Seriously, we need half stars!
This is all so true and made me laugh. Thank you for sharing!
okay wow haha this post is so me! i always go straight to goodreads whenever i’m starting or finishing a book. and i do love read other people review. and lots of unknown friends. but really, i never deleted anyone though… but the others are so accurate it’s kind of scary! XD
This was a funny post to read. I just downloaded this new book app called Books Amino. It isn’t goodreads when it comes to the stats, but as for the social aspect it is a great place to talk about books.
LMAO I love this post so much, though I feel a bit like the odd-one-out because I actually *don’t* often find myself thinking…practically any of these things on Goodreads. Whoops? There must be something wrong with the wiring in my brain.
Great post, though–I chuckled to myself the whole way through!
HAHAHA this made me laugh so hard!
perfect post! this is so 100% me and i am so glad i am not the only one ;D. thank you!
12 is me, 100%. I’m always like, “okay, I need to review it ASAP or I’ll forget everything” and then I never do it. I guess it helps that I take notes while reading, but I never get around to actually sharing my thoughts until 1-2 months later 😡
It’s like you are inside my head!!!!! 😀
I love this.
I feel 65 coming on for me!
I am so laughing right now! This list is amazing. I’m actually doing some how tos on GoodReads right now so I get the thing about shelves being a mess!
Love this! I tend to go down the rabbit hole of Goodreads when checking my challenge numbers. I’ll find myself two hours later looking at the most random review and not even know how I got there. Great list. 🙂
Love this post!
I can definitely relate to most, if not all, of your thoughts 🙂
Oh wow, this is totally me! Especially the part about the novellas. 😛
LOL this is so perfect! For myself I’d add “It’s not insane to create a 2017 and 2018 shelf already, is it? IS IT”
Also NUMBER 66. SERIOUSLY. I really wish I had kept better track, I always have to guess.
Yes!!! This post is so accurate!
HAHAHA! This is amazing and entirely accurate. I do this whole list at least once per week! Glad to know I’m not alone. Enjoy the weekend, Brittany!
Hahaha, I love this! Definitely accurate, especially the whole four stars/five stars thing. That happens to me more often than not :’)
I will not stop laughing at this anytime soon – brilliant!
Holy shitzu!! This is oh so very accurate!! WE NEED HALF STARS GOODREADS, DAMMIT!!
Fantastic post Brittany!! I think I have had ALL those thoughts indeed! The debate for the half stars quite recently because 3 stars seemed a bit too little but no way it could get 4 stars… *sigh*
AHAHA I’ve definitely thought a lot of these thoughts when on Goodreads! Especially all the ones about Sherry… xD As well as the Goodreads reading challenge haha – reading Cassandra Clare’s short novellas really helped me in 2013 haha xD
Awesome post, Brittany!
Hahah this is so accurate!!! Great post xx
LOL this was too funny. I really do go back and forth between stars like that!!!!
Oh, I’ve had so many of these thoughts if not the majority of them. I especially like the one of thinking how could you rate the book… It is funny when you start to question the friendship over a book rating.