If You Liked… The Winner’s Curse

Ever since I read the conclusion to The Winner’s Trilogy, I’ve been thinking how much I loved these books and what a great series it was. I absolutely loved the forbidden love, strong characters, political intrigue, and a fantasy world without magic. The Winner’s Trilogy has grown to be a fan-favorite within the YA community and if you’re a fan of the series, I wanted to share some of my personal recommendations on what to read next!


if you liked the winner's curse


Try… SCARLET by A.C. Gaughen.
Review // Goodreads // Amazon

I think SCARLET and this Robin Hood-retold series is a great read for those who liked THE WINNER’S CURSE. Since it’s based on Robin Hood, it has that fantasy world but there’s no magic involved in the story. SCARLET also features a very strong female main character (named, well, Scarlet) who has her own hardships but learns to overcome. There’s also a bit of — well, I guess I wouldn’t call it forbidden romance — but the characters essentially hem and haw and don’t quite feel it’s right to be together. The books in this series are just really well done. I read them back-to-back-to-back!

Review // Goodreads // Amazon

I had a similar experience reading THE IMPOSTOR QUEEN as I had reading THE WINNER’S CURSE — the book wasn’t slow to start but it took me a while to really get in the swing of things, but once I did, oh boy. The book was good. The characters really grow, the romance becomes intense, and there’s some really interesting world building throughout that provides insight to secret motives and a whole lot of political conflict. THE IMPOSTOR QUEEN was the first book I read from Sarah Fine but it really got quite interesting and I loved how it turned a few tropes upside down.

The Scorpio Races paperback coverTry… THE SCORPIO RACES by Maggie Stiefvater.
Review // Goodreads // Amazon
THE SCORPIO RACES isn’t really like THE WINNER’S CURSE but I like its original feel, similar to what I felt when I read The Winner’s Trilogy. It walks a line between fantasy and magical realism (I’d say more on the side of magical realism since it does mention real places and it is largely realistic aside from its one magical element — the water horses). It’s a little bit fantasy in the sense that the book takes place on the fictional island of Thisby, similar to the fictional regions in The Winner’s Trilogy. THE SCORPIO RACES is much more character-driven than action-driven but I think that’s also what makes it so special. You really get to know the characters and that’s something I liked about Sean and Puck in THE SCORPIO RACES as well as Arin and Kestrel in THE WINNER’S CURSE.

The Wrath and the Dawn coverTry… THE WRATH AND THE DAWN by Renee Ahdieh.
Review // Goodreads // Amazon
THE WRATH AND THE DAWN was an intimidating book for me, having received so many amazing reviews before I had even read it. This one took me a little bit to get the hang of as well but the set-up and intro is really necessary to everything that follows, which sets up a wonderfully sweeping romance, gorgeous descriptions of setting, and some truly interesting and complex characters. I love how much influence even secondary characters had on the plot of this book and it really shows how even the smallest of actions can affect and entire kingdom. The end of the book really started to dip into those magical elements as well so this would be a great selection for fans of THE WINNER’S CURSE who are just dipping their toes into the fantasy world.

The StoryspinnerTry… THE STORYSPINNER by Becky Wallace.
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I loooved THE STORYSPINNER when I first read it. There was just something special about this book that had me diving in head first. The book has a Portuguese influence which really made it feel unique and quite distinct from so many fantasy books that usually venture to Iberian influence through Spanish adaptations and not Portuguese, if they venture there at all. I also really loved all of the different character POVs. There were quite a few (at least six) for each of the main characters in the crew but I didn’t feel confused by the switches or inclusion of any of them. I really loved the overall feel — and the series is only a duology so you can read both books back-to-back!

Grave MercyTry… GRAVE MERCY by Robin LaFevers.
Review // Goodreads // Amazon

I selected GRAVE MERCY largely for its political plot and its slow burn romance. This series from Robin LaFevers is actually a trilogy of companions that all revolve around the same political plot and each lead in their respective books play a certain part in the on-going conflict. Based on some real-life history, GRAVE MERCY can technically be categorized as historical fiction but it’s also a bit fantasy hedging on the side of mythology, the basis of which revolves around the god of Death. I’m not big on historical fiction but these books are so well written that it’s easy to get caught up in the story! The slow burn romance is also top notch and I love the gradual yet amazingly strong connection that the characters make with each other.

The Kiss of DeceptionTry… THE KISS OF DECEPTION by Mary E. Pearson.
Review // Goodreads // Amazon

This is a series I still need to continue but so many people love it! Where the first book left off, there was just a hint of the magical elements that were to come into play so it’s a nice push into the fantasy world, still getting the basis of world-building with the (current) absence of of magic, for the most part. The book was quite interesting with some really clever twists! I think this is a fantastic read-alike for those who were fans of The Winner’s Trilogy and personally, I’m looking forward to continuing on with the series! I was waiting for the very last book to come out so I could read the second and third one right after the other because I have a feeling I won’t want to wait!

GracelingTry… GRACELING by Kristin Cashore.
Review // Goodreads // Amazon
GRACELING was one of my first forays into fantasy and I instantly fell in love! I had no idea what fantasy was all about when I first picked up this book. My first experience was The Lord of the Rings and I just really had a hard time with Hobbits and orcs and the like. Once I got more into high fantasy that felt a little more… realistic, I guess, I really started getting into it a lot more! GRACELING opened that door with a little bit of magic and a whole lot of amazing including characters, setting, and some really creepy villain-types.

the crown's gameTry… THE CROWN’S GAME by Evelyn Skye.
Review // Goodreads // Amazon

I adored THE CROWN’S GAME. I wouldn’t say it has a slow start but the build is gradual and totally rewarding. I loved getting to know a new setting (based on actual events, although the book is not really historical fiction) as well as the two characters and how their worlds collided. It’s one of those amazing and yet terrifying books that basically makes you fall in love with two characters but promises to destroy one (no spoilers there… that IS “the Crown’s Game”) so I spent the whole book basically holding my breath… as I had with The Winner’s Trilogy! I love the dashes of magic and this forbidden romance just had me all aflutter.

rebel of the sandsTry… REBEL OF THE SANDS by Alwyn Hamilton.
Review // Goodreads // Amazon
REBEL OF THE SANDS was another 2016 favorite that I just loved all around. It definitely has a lighter feel and a bit more snark than The Winner’s Trilogy but I think it’s a great recommendation despite its different feel. If you loved the writing and strong characters of The Winner’s Trilogy, REBEL OF THE SANDS is a great fantasy read to jump to for a little more action, some fast-talking (and fast-shooting) characters, and a bit more magic. I also loved how there was a clandestine identity (ooh, in more ways than one) and how two very different characters ended up being quite similar. This book was just great and I’m highly anticipating its sequel!

Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)Try… THRONE OF GLASS by Sarah J. Maas.
Review // Goodreads // Amazon

Sarah J. Maas has grown to be quite a household name by now with huge hit series like Throne of Glass and A Court of Thorns and Roses. Even though I’m sure most fantasy readers have picked this one up by now, I wanted to include THRONE OF GLASS in my recommendations today because I love Sarah’s storytelling and her incredible ability to really build things up throughout the course of a series, much like how I felt with Marie Rutkoski’s books. I love the feeling that the books are really going somewhere and that they’re so connected throughout. The character growth is also monumental and I appreciate that things don’t always go the “right” way just to please an audience. They truly feel like realistic situations and feelings/maturity/strengths change over time.

Try… SHADOW AND BONE by Leigh Bardugo.
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Leigh Bardugois basically queen and if you haven’t read any of her books yet, YOU MUST. SHADOW AND BONE kicks off one of my favorite series ever, The Grisha Trilogy, and although it’s a world based largely in magic — ahem, small science — I think it’s a great read alike for THE WINNER’S CURSE even though Marie’s books don’t contain magic. Alina does some serious growing throughout the books and really comes into her own abilities, much like Kestrel. Both leading ladies are forced to face what their strengths really mean in terms of their future and how they’re going to help their country. It’s quite an excellent journey to witness!

So what do YOU think? Which books would you recommend for fans of The Winner’s Trilogy? Are there any favorites of yours on this list?

I hope you enjoyed the post! If you’re looking for more reading guides or recommendations or more posts about The Winner’s Trilogy, check out some of my links below! 

More reading guides and/or recommendations: 

More posts about The Winner’s Trilogy

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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6 thoughts on “If You Liked… The Winner’s Curse

  1. Sharanya Rao

    Hi Brittany,

    Im so glad I found this. I had stopped reading for quite a long time and then I got a chance to read the Winner’s trilogy and absolutely fell in love with it. I couldn’t put the book down till I finished all the three. I was then hunting for other such engrossing books to read when I found this article! Thank you, I’m going to try them all!

    Also would say the COURT OF FIVES series by Kate Elliott is very very similar to the Winner Series so far. I totally loved it, the forbidden love as you say! I’m desperately waiting for the 3rd book which will probably come out after an year. 🙁

  2. Terri M.

    Scarlet has been on TBR list for a long time! I love the cover and I’ve had a facination with Robin Hood since I saw Robin Hood: Prince of Theives as a teen.

  3. Jordan @ ForeverLostinLiterature

    Really, really great recommendations! Throne of Glass is an absolute favorite of mine, and I’ve had The Imposter Queen and Scarlet on my TBR for so long, I really hope to pick them up soon! I’m also really excited for The Crown Game, so I’m glad to hear it was great. 🙂
    I’m such a fan of ‘like, try’ posts that I’m not probably going to go through all of your past ones!

  4. Morgan @ Gone with the Words

    I LOVED The Winner’s Curse, which is why it’s criminal I haven’t read the sequels yet. Gosh. And I love when you do these recommendation posts, they’re so great! Love all of these choices a lot. Scarlet, Graceling, ToG, Shadow and Bone are all favorite series, and I have Grave Mercy and Kiss of Deception on my list! Ooh The Scorpio Races is a good choice too, a little fantasy and a little history. A different sort of feel. Rebel of the Sands is on my August TBR, you have me excited to read it!

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