Crooked Kingdom Blog Tour | Matthias Is…


Welcome to the blog tour for
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo!

I basically have two super-huge fandom loves and Leigh Bardugo’s books are one of them! Leigh Bardugo’s books are special to me for so many reasons but I’ll always remember that the Fierce Reads tour in 2012 was the very first author event that I ever went to and I bought SHADOW AND BONE because of that tour! I fell in love with the book and have been obsessed with everything Grisha ever since! (As you can see, the love for all things Grisha is STRONG!)

grisha shelfie

I’m so excited to be on the CROOKED KINGDOM blog tour today, sharing some thoughts and quotes about one of my favorite Dregs characters, Matthias! Matthias Helvar is almost sort of the straight-man for the group of thieves, cons, and misfits. Even after being accepted into the group as one of them and eventually accepting that he really does sort of fit in with these “heathens”, as he affectionately calls Nina at once point in time, Matthias is still the person who (ineffectively) tries to be the voice of reason and morality. I think I love his story the most in SIX OF CROWS because I think he goes through the largest personal transformation. The only reason he survives in Hellgate is because he’s so intent on exacting revenge on the girl who got him there… who happens to be Nina. He also used to be a member of the Druskëlle, a group of Fjerdan “witch hunters” who hunted down those with Grisha powers. Matthias really stuck with me throughout this book because I loved seeing all of the changes within him. The Dregs crew springs him from prison so he owes them for his freedom and agrees to work with them… And the more time he spends with them, the more they grow on him. He realizes that Grisha powers doesn’t make someone a bad person. Those hard edges soften and he begins to let people in. And he starts down the load and beautiful road of one of my favorite tropes, a hate-to-love romance, with finally letting that vengeance grudge against Nina go and letting her into his heart. I loved watching Matthias find his place with this band of misfits, him being one himself after not being able to return to the Druskëlle. I also love watching his gruff demeanor soften and all of the glorious, glorious banter that occurs between Nina and Matthias throughout the  book as they really grow fond of each other.

My task on today’s blog tour stop is to share some things about Matthias by completing the sentence “Matthias is…” so for those of you who said TL;DR to my love-professing paragraph above, check out these short and quick descriptions of one of my favorite SIX OF CROWS characters, Matthias Helvar!

This beautiful Matthias image is by Kevin Wada!

This beautiful Matthias image is by Kevin Wada!

MATTHIAS IS… a convict.

“A gambler, a convict, a wayward son, a lost Grisha, a Suli girl who had become a killer, a boy from the Barrel who had become something worse.”

Matthias is broken out of Hellgate prison, a convicted man after Nina essentially got him stuck there.

MATTHIAS IS… traditional.

“Why don’t Fjerdans let girls fight?”
“They don’t want to fight.”
“How do you know? Have you ever asked one?”
“Fjerdan women are to be venerated, protected.”
“That’s probably a wise policy.”
“It is?”
“Think how embarrassing it would be for you when you got trounced by a Fjerdan girl.”

Matthias is a bit more traditional in his ways of thinking and not as modern and progressive as the rest of the Dregs. Nina is pretty much a badass, sassy, and whip-smart. She keeps Matthias on his toes and calls him out when his antiquated thinking is getting him in trouble. Matthias learns a lot from the strong women he meets along the way of this story and really starts to understand that women are so much more than things to be protected. (Or witches.)

MATTHIAS IS… reasonable.

“Kaz leaned back. “What’s the easiest way to steal a man’s wallet?”
“Knife to the throat?” asked Inej.
“Gun to the back?” said Jesper.
“Poison in his cup?” suggested Nina.
“You’re all horrible,” said Matthias.”

I love how Matthias is essentially the voice of reason for this crew. I’d say he used to be a bit pious in his former Druskëlle days and he still carries around that notion to make things “right” and “respectable”. It cracks me up to watch the rest of the Dregs crew throw morality out the window and Matthias appalled reactions to it!

MATTHIAS IS… strong.

“Matthias and Wylan seized the rope to pull him up. Jesper wasn’t sure how much Wylan was actually helping, but he was certainly working hard.”

Matthias is the brute force of the group. Where others have strength in wits and education, Matthias has more strength in physicality.

MATTHIAS IS… passionate.

Then he cupped her face in his hands. “Jer molle pe oonet. Enel mörd je nej afva trohem verretn.” Nina swallowed hard. She remembered those words and what they truly meant. I have been made to protect you. Only in death will I be kept from this oath. It was the vow of the drüskelle to Fjerda. And now it was Matthias’ promise to her.

I’d say Matthias is one of the most passionate of the bunch! While many of the others in the Dregs crew have worked on hardening themselves and shutting themselves off to feelings, Matthias lets his emotions dictate his actions in so many ways. He joined the Druskëlle and let his passion for witch-hunting define who he was. He allowed his rage to consume him and drive his life forward when all else was lost in Hellgate. And he made a vow to Nina to protect her at all costs when she won his heart.

MATTHIAS IS…  a tulip.

“I wonder what Matthias would have to say about that outfit.”
“He wouldn’t approve.”
“He doesn’t approve of anything about you. But when you laugh, he perks up like a tulip in fresh water.”
Nina snorted. “Matthias the tulip.”
“The big, brooding, yellow tulip.”

In all ways that Matthias is a brute and brooding and fierce, he’s also just a little yellow tulip that perks up whenever Nina is around.


Oh, Matthias, my big blonde tulip. So Jay Snyder narrates Matthias’ chapters in the Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom audiobooks, and he has this fantastic movie trailer voice. In Crooked Kingdom, Matthias is really wrestling with his feelings for Nina and his ideas about propriety, and I could not get Jay’s voice out of my head. It always left me giggling. I’d just imagine Jay in the recording booth, looking up from his script and saying—in that super gravelly Optimus Prime voice—”Really?”

I 100% agree with Leigh! I LOVE Jay’s voice. It’s perfect for Matthias and kind of dreamy to listen to. It’s makes his personality come alive that much more — and I can’t wait to see what Leigh Bardugo has in store for Matthias in CROOKED KINGDOM after that snippet!!

Author Links/Info


Full International Blog Tour Schedule
Each blog features different original blog content as well as exclusive content from Leigh Bardugo about the main characters of The Dregs crew!

GIVEAWAY OPPORTUNITY: Anyone who comments on all 12 blog tour posts (US and UK) by 11:59 PM EST on Monday, October 3, will be entered into a raffle for a special Grisha Prize Pack thanks to the team at Macmillan/Fierce Reads! Check out the full schedule below to see where you need to head to be entered!

September 21:
US: Two Chicks on Books 

September 22:
US: The Irish Banana Reviews

September 23:
US: The Book Addict’s Guide

September 24:
NINA is…
US: Adventures of a Book Junkie

September 25:
INEJ is…
US: Across the Words

September 26:
KAZ is…
US: The Midnight Garden

Thanks so much for stopping by for this Matthias-filled post! Hope you enjoyed the exclusive content from Leigh Bardugo and don’t forget to visit the  other stops on the blog tour to enter yourself in the raffle to win a Grisha prize pack!! 

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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79 thoughts on “Crooked Kingdom Blog Tour | Matthias Is…

  1. Hannah R

    Cracking up at the “big, brooding, yellow tulip” bit because its so true, I’m not one for audiobooks but now I just have to hear these!

  2. Carina Olsen

    Awesome blog tour post 😀 Yay! Gosh, Matthias is a huge favorite of mine. He deserves ALL THE BEST. He’s suffered the most. Sniffs. Sigh. I just love him to pieces. <3 And ahh, your collection is awesome 😀 I have SO MANY books by Leigh. <3 Heh. My collection is bigger, but you have more editions than me 🙁 Jealous, haha. <3 You are awesome 🙂

  3. Sananda Davalillo

    Y big tulip lol He’s one of my favorites! Maybe because he’s big? I don’t know, but in The Grisha I loves Tolya too

  4. KAYLA

    Matthias is such a DREAMY character as well as a giant PUPPY. I love how devoted he is and how his and Ninas relationship developed. He is very stubborn and set in his ways but you can tell how his upbringing has molded him.
    I love how he fights it a bit so that he can love NINA!!~~

    Cant wait to finish Crooked Kingdom. But I’m going to die a little inside when it ends! </3
    At least until Leighs next book comes out (looking forward to Wonder Woman.)

    Love the art from Kevin Wada!


  5. Wendy

    I love this, although I picture Matthias with more of a military haircut than shown in the card. (The book may well say otherwise; I kind of suck at reading descriptions.) Now I am really interested in the audio version of the books. I rarely re-read, but I am loving these two books, and maybe in a year or so that will be a great way to revisit the world and really cement the stories into my head.

  6. Grace Radford-Tingley

    I’ve never actually listened to the audio books, but now I’m kind of curious about them. I didn’t realize they had a full cast of characters reading it.

  7. Stephanie

    So, I am late to the party with Leigh Bardugo, but I’m there, haha. Last month I read the whole Grisha series, and I was hooked. I already had Six of Crows and had preordered Crooked Kingdom. I am so excited to start them, and I already know they will become favorites.

  8. Jhanna

    I think I fancast Chris Hemsworth for him a little… Few could theoretically capture the beauty that is this Fjerdan

  9. Sarah Parks

    Get my Crooked Kingdoms book today!!!! <3 Can't wait to see the relationship grow between Nina and Matthias <3 <3 <3

  10. Ashley Aker

    I am so eager to see where Matthias’ character goes throughout CK. I love how so many things are at war within him, and we get to see the sides play out. Can’t wait!

  11. Sarah

    Matthias would not be as interesting of a character without Nina to offset. She is the color to his black and white, she is the wiggle to his straight-lace, she is the laughter to his solemnity. Without Nina, where would his development be? I enjoy most that Nina isn’t always challenging Matthias in the same manner. It’s not always the yelling argument that sways him. It’s not always the teasing seduction that pulls him up short. It’s also her strong compassion, her gentle friendship, her loyalty and devotion to the crew. All these aspects of Nina change Matthias. It’s beautiful!

  12. Penny Olson

    I haven’t read either book yet but the more I learn about this series and this world, the more interested I get. Definitely on the TBR!

  13. Leah

    Oh Matthias…I love how he struggles to reconcile his deep-held beliefs with the reality of who Nina is. I think he’s one of the characters who is most true to himself. He and Nina are just the best!!

  14. Danielle D.

    I LOVE Matthis’ art, it’s gorgeous (and nice to look at if you know what I mean ;)) I can’t wait to start Crooked Kingdom!

  15. Ysabel Grace

    MATTHIASSSS!!!! He’s honestly the purest of them all! This innocent big tulip!!! <3 <3 <3

  16. Jessica

    If any of the characters in CK were my book boyfriend it would be Mattias. So many of his line sin SOC made me laugh even though he wasn’t trying to be funny. He is sort of the odd ball in the group in my eyes because he has a lot of morals and the others, well, they play in a much grayer area.

  17. Brenda

    At first, I thought Matthias was so honorable and bent on revenge. I wasn’t sure if he would ever make it into the crew. I loved the way that Nina was able to bring him around. Totally forgot about the Tulip comment, so fun.

  18. Alexis

    I struggled liking Matthias in the beginning. His prejudices utterly frustrated me. By the end of SoC though, I loved him. And hearing people rave over the audiobook, I will have to check it out. I bet they make the story come even more alive!

  19. Isabelle

    Matthias is a tulip! Haha! That’s hysterical! I love these books and Leigh Bardugo! God, they’re all great! <3

  20. Tessa

    I didn’t think it was possible but this little spoiler about Crooked Kingdom has made me even more excited! Nina and Matthias’ relationship is so entertaining and wonderful and I can’t wait to see what happens next for them!

  21. Dona

    tbh, I’m worried for Matthias. Leigh’s comment about everyone not making it out of CK is scary. I’ve thought about it for hours and days and months, but I’m not sure I’ll survive, if anyone dies in Crooked Kingdom. Because every single one of the Six crows is a sweetheart. Also, Blonde Tulips are nice, brooding blonde tulips shouldn’t be harmed.

  22. Jacklin Updegraft

    Honestly I totally agree, one of my favorite tropes is hate-love! I don’t know why but I love it so much and it’s one of the reasons I absolutely loved Nina and Matthias! I also can’t wait to find out what happens in the next book. I need it sooooo bad!

  23. Kaitlyn

    Oh, wow! The character art card is amazing; I love how the artist included the wolf. Thanks to this, I really want to check out the audiobook now!

  24. Justine

    Leigh Bardugo can do no wrong! I love every single character – but there is just something about Matthias & Nina

  25. Megan

    Matthias, my precious brooding yellow tulip! I love him so much and only partially due to the photo inspiration Leigh posted during the lead upto Six of Crows 😉

  26. Mithila

    I’m so glad I finally learned Matthias’ voice actor’s name! He did a PERFECT job in Six of Crows and I can’t wait to see–well, hear–how he’s like in Crooked Kingdom.
    And OMG HE’S A TULIP. It makes perfect sense!

  27. Ica McMahon

    OMG I absolutely love Matthias. I recently got a new puppy and I was going to name it Matthias until i found out he was actually a female! I am a little sad about it but my puppy is too cute! I am really excited to see what is in store for Matthias and NIna in Crooked Kingdom

  28. Kim

    Love your post! So spot on! Loved Matthias and Nina together in Six of Crows and can’t wait for more! And seriously, your Grisha shrine/swag is awesome!!

  29. Fatma S

    LOOOL about the Jay Snyder thing. The audiobook narrators for Six of Crows are so fantastic! It should be mandatory to listen to the audiobook because it’s just SO GREAT and adds so much to this already amazing story! Can’t wait to see where Matthias’s character will go in Crooked Kingdom. <3

  30. Angel

    Matthias is such a sweetheart I love him!! Originally I didn’t but once he started opening up (to Nina) he became like such a teddy bear!!

  31. Emily

    I love Matthias <3 He is my beautiful and wonderful Tulip and I really hope that he and Nina live happily forever after (or whatever the Dreg equivalent is)

  32. Meigan

    ah, el tulipán rubio. such an upstanding guy. also, as demanded by my best friend, I’m required to tell you all that Matthias is her second favorite character, behind only Nina, because they are meant to be together, says her, she has me at knife point, please help. -Meigan

  33. Mia

    As a fellow Grisha fanatic, I absolutely loved reading this post. Matthias is probably the most underrated Six of Crows character, yet he’s got one of the richest backstories! Leigh’s books just speak to my soul. I’m also completely jealous of your Grisha collection

  34. Angela

    I’m so excited and curious to see where Matthias’ story will go! I mean the heist is over, he doesn’t totally hate Nina anymore, he’s no longer a witch hunter, he was betrayed and altered in so many ways over the course of SoC so I can’t even imagine where Bardugo is gonna take him.

  35. Anne Consolacion

    Matthias sounds like a real sweetheart. So excited to get my copy of the first book (please be here tomorrow) so I can get to know all the characters. 🙂

  36. Gem

    He is by my favorite! With his blue eyes and his love for Nina. But he’s so strong to see differently. Even if it’s so hard. I can’t wait to read more of him.

  37. GabyN

    I serisouly love all these characters, they’re all so different and special! Matthias does have brute strength and had some very ingrained beliefs but it’s so interesting to see how interacting with all the crows and particularly Nina makes him question himself. Can’t wait to see more of our beloved tulip 😛

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