Statistics Survey: The Book Addict’s Guide in 2016


Obsessed with your bookish stats like we are? Join The Book Addict’s Guide and Andi’s ABCs for the third annual Statistics Survey!
(see the original post with linky here!)

This survey is all about the facts and details behind what you read and not necessarily favorites and reflecting. Fill out and post whenever you like! These statistics should all be for books that you read in 2016 (not books necessarily published in 2016). We have a linky in the original post (without our answers) to link up your survey once it’s done! Hope you have fun!

  • number of statistics surveyNumber of books read…
    • Under 250 pages (not including novellas):  6
    • Between 400-449 pages:  16
    • Between 450-499 pages: 7
    • Over 500 pages: 7
    • Over 1000 pages: 0
  • Number of…
    • Audiobooks: 50 (7 of which were shorts/novellas)
    • DNFs (did not finish): 8
  • Number of books rated…
    • Five Stars: 25
    • One/Two Stars: 6
  • Number of authors met in 2016: Umm I honestly don’t remember! Probably not as many events as last year but it’s hard to keep track with conferences like BEA and ALA.
  • Number of book events attended in 2016: See above haha. I attended ALAMW in January and BEA in May but don’t really know about signings and whatnot. Probably only a handful this year!
  • Number of books you read in one day: 11 (6 of which were novellas/shorts)
  • Number of books that made you cry: Not a lot, to be honest. Probably only a couple… but I did BAWL my eyes out watching the If I Stay movie, if that counts.
  • Number of 2017 books you have on pre-order: None, actually
  • BytheBooks
    • Book read furthest away from home (vacation reads?): When I read EMPIRE OF STORMS on my vacation in Colorado (and used my friend’s beautiful white wooden table for an Instagram opportunity)
    • Book that took you the longest to read: MY LADY JANE (from 7/18/16 – 8/23/16) because I put it down and came back to it later
    • Book that you personally connected with the most: Probably PS I LIKE YOU by Kasie West!
    • Book that made you love the villain: I wouldn’t say she was a VILLAIN but I really wanted more redemption for Sloane’s former BFF in SUMMER OF SLOANE. There seems to be a lot more going on there and I’d love a story from her POV!
    • Book you said you’d come back to but still haven’t picked up again: KISS CAM, LOVE LIES AND SPIES, THE PASSION OF DOLSSA
    • Book you read waaaay before it’s publication date: THE EDGE OF EVERYTHING by Jeff Giles. I got to blurb the ARC!
    • Book you read on your birthday: ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS (it’s a re-read tradition now) and THE GOOD GIRL on audio
    • Book with a character who shares your name: I think there was a Brittany in HOW TO HANG A WITCH… maybe. She’s always the mean girl…….
    • Book you weren’t entirely truthful about when rating (Fluff up any ratings? Rated even though you didn’t finish?): Hmmm well I rated EMPIRE OF STORMS four stars but I’m still very disappointed with it so I feel like I should knock it down to three. I may or may not have skimmed the end of SHADE ME. Like skimmed a LOT.
    • Book you read in 2016 but already want to re-read: CROOKED KINGDOM, the Raven Cycle again now that THE RAVEN KING is out, THE CROWN’S GAME, REBEL OF THE SANDS
    • Book you borrowed from a friend a long time ago and still have: Andi loaned me TWIST, the second book in the LOOP duology. Found it the other day just sitting around……. SORRY, FRIEND! I also finally read THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN so I can give it back to my friend Lisa!
    • Book you which you could go back and read for the first time again: The Mistborn books, because the surprises are just so great, and GEMINA because I was too distracted while trying to read that one and I wish I had more time to sit and revel.
    • Most books read by one author this year: Oh gosh, probably Sanderson. (Isn’t it always??) Nine from him, including all the novellas & extras. Four for JK Rowling if you include those Pottermore collections + CURSED CHILD.
      I also binge read the Mara Dyer trilogy (three for Michelle Hodkin) and the Elemental Trilogy (three for Sherry Thomas). I got on a minor Sherlock Holmes kick towards the end of the year and read one novel and two novellas.


    • Happiest & saddest: Happiest: PS I LIKE YOU | Saddest: Ummm CROOKED KINGDOM but only THAT PART I guess (I bawled)
    • Longest & shortest…
      • By page number: EMPIRE OF STORMS (693 pgs), THE HOPE OF ELANTRIS (25 pgs)
      • From buying to reading: Longest I think is THE UNBECOMING OF MARA DYER which I have had for at least four years. Shortest would be one of the many novellas that I purchased and immediately listened to on audio!
    • Best & worst…
      • Average rating on Goodreads: Best: ACOMAF (4.74) | Worst: TO DIE FOR by Alice Clark-Platts (a short story, rating of 2.54) or for full-length, THE SMALLER EVIL by Stephanie Kuehn (2.94)
      • Books you read/your rating: Ummm pass, too hard. No but really, many five star books. I can tell you the ones I rated two stars though (books that I finished and did not DNF): SHADE ME, SIX-GUN SNOW WHITE, TRUTHWITCH, THE GLITTERING COURT, WHERE FUTURES END, THE SMALLER EVIL. Some unpopular!
    • First & last…
      • Reads of 2016: First: SHADE ME | Last: Pottermore extras or JACKABY, if I finish before the new year!
      • Books on your bookcase (1st book on the top left and last book on the bottom right): I forgot to look at this!
    • Most disappointing & biggest pleasant surprise: Most disappointing: TRUTHWITCH. For as much as it was talked about and hyped… I did not get along with it. Best surprise: You know what… I’m gonna say KILL THE BOY BAND. It was silly but SO much fun, like a campy horror movie. I wasn’t sure what to expect and it was just dark and hilarious.
    • Fandom you joined & one you abandoned: Joined: THE MAGICIANS, maybe? I’m not quite at fandom level but I really enjoyed it and really want to watch the show now! Abandoned: I think I’m over Sarah J. Maas. Eeeeeep *hides*
    • Series you picked up & series you quit: Picked up (and finished) The Elemental Trilogy by Sherry Thomas and the Mara Dyer trilogy by Michelle Hodkin. Quit: The Red Queen books by Victoria Aveyard. I kind of dug the first one but ughhhhh I DNFed the second.
    • Most lenient & harshest ratings: Lenient: Again, probably EMPIRE OF STORMS or following that, maybe BURNING MIDNIGHT. It wasn’t a great book but I enjoyed the atmosphere of the beginning. It’s probably more 3 stars than 4.  | Harshest: TRUTHWITCH and SIX-GUN SNOW WHITE. They just weren’t “me” books but I had a really hard time with them so two stars it is.
    • Most hyped & furthest under the radar that you read: Hyped: TRUTHWITCH, simply from its online presence. More so, maybe THE RAVEN KING. Under the radar: Probably THROWING MY LIFE AWAY or FUTURE SHOCK.


    • Book you read that is red: Continued on with my Janet Evanovich readings with TRICKY TWENTY-TWO
    • Starts with X, Y, or Z: YOU by Caroline Kepnes
    • Book you hugged when you finished it: ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS, as I always do
    • Book you wanted to throw across a room: Oh gosh, any of my two-star books. 26 kisses anna michelsDefinitely EMPIRE OF STORMS and ACOMAF (can you tell I had SJM issues this year?)
    • Food you craved while/after reading a certain book: I wanted those lemon tarts and rose macarons from HEARTLESS!
    • Book that became an instant go-to recommendation: 26 KISSES by Anna Michels. So super cute!
    • Furthest out of your comfort zone: LEAVE ME by Gayle Forman. I really don’t read adult contemporary/realistic fiction so it was not something I would have picked up if it wasn’t Gayle!
    • Read on a recommendation (that you may not have picked up yourself): NEVERWHERE by Neil Gaiman. Without Alyssa, I never would have read any of Neil Gaiman’s books!
    • Forced yourself to finish: TRUTHWITCH. Gosh, it was rough. I went from audio to print to really struggling to finish.
    • Series or author’s works you binged (whether all at once or throughout the year): Ooh yes! The Elemental Trilogy by Sherry Thomas and The Mara Dyer Trilogy by Michelle Hodkin.


    • First…
    • Last…
    • Number of posts in 2016:  239
    • Number of reviews posted this year:
    • Least coherent review: Probably CROOKED KINGDOM, for many reasons!
    • Post with the most views (posted in 2016): 40
    • Post you wish you could re-write: Basically anything I’ve posted in the last couple of months. My focus has been elsewhere.

Thanks so much for joining our 2016 Statistics Survey! We hope you had a lot of fun! Want to share with others? Post the link to your answers in the linky in the original intro post!

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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2 thoughts on “Statistics Survey: The Book Addict’s Guide in 2016

  1. Alexa S.

    I absolutely love The Magicians show! Both my husband and I decided on a whim to watch it – and got hooked. It made us both want to try to read the series, which we plan on doing in 2017 🙂

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