What I Loved [October 2018]

In an attempt to get back into the blogging swing, I wanted to revisit my monthly recaps but in a much more casual way! Instead of focusing on stats and posts, I’m sharing some of my favorite things about this month, from books to merch to life and everything in between!


Once I hit my Goodreads goal, I stopped worrying about how many books I was reading and started to let my brain relax a little bit. I did some more Netflix binge-watching, which seems to be more of my routine these days! I still got a good amount of reading done though with some new ARCs and audiobooks!


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Well, 11 books seems to be the standard for me when I’m not trying to listen to an audiobook every day! I took a few breaks to watch some TV shows and I still ended up with 11 books completed like I did the last two months! I decided to do a few re-reads and I may do even more in November! I just haven’t been in the mindset to start new things (which is part of the reason I’ve been watching TV too) so the re-reads have been wonderful to revisit and they’re allowing my brain to relax a little bit more.


I had a fun bookstore day in mid-October where I visited some new bookstores, including Harvey’s Tales in Geneva, IL! It was their grand opening and the store is so cute. It’s in what used to be a home so it’s has gorgeous windows and lighting and such adorable charm. I grabbed a couple books to support my new local indie and I hope to visit often!


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I also went to the Laini Taylor event on the 17th at Anderson’s Bookshop! It was so much fun to see her again and hear some interesting things about the Strange the Dreamer duology! I’m glad I got to read MUSE OF NIGHTMARES before I went and it was lovely to hear her speak.


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And lastly, I went to see Sarah J. Maas at her Chicago stop in the last week of October! I’ve had some mixed feelings about her books lately but I was excited for the conclusion of the Throne of Glass series! I’m about halfway through the book right now and it took a while to get things moving but it is fun to be back in that world and remember how fond of it I was. She was also really fun to listen to and had some really funny stories! The event was SO big that we didn’t get to meet her (unless you were someone who purchased exclusive passes) but I had fun sitting with bookish friends and being at the event!


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I finished my binge watch of Castle Rock and really enjoyed it! I immediately started watching some other series and a couple friends recommended Black Mirror! I was afraid it was scary for some reason (I just feel like that was how it was advertised?) but it was more dark and scary in the sense that it was just so messed up and things like this totally could happen or totally do happen, thanks to technology. I was totally obsessed though and finished (almost) all of the episodes so quickly!

I was still in a mood for something spooky or Halloween like and I did an annual watch of Hocus Pocus, then started on a re-watch of Dexter. I had been meaning to finish that series forever but I couldn’t remember where I left off all those years ago so my friend Megan suggested I just start from the beginning! I’m actually really glad that I did because there was so much that I forgot about! It really is such an enjoyable show, besides the fact that it’s dark and about a serial killer.

Hi, I'm Brittany!
Hi, I'm Brittany!

I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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2 thoughts on “What I Loved [October 2018]

  1. ShootingStarsMag

    Sounds like a great month! There are so many TV shows I want to watch but I’m really bad at binge watching, so they tend to take me forever to get through. lol How fun you got to see Laini Taylor speak. That would have been awesome.


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