The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles #1) – Mary E. Pearson

The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles #1) – Mary E. PearsonTitle: The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles #1) by Mary E. Pearson
Publishing Info: July 15, 2014 by Macmillan
Source: Received from the publisher for review purposes
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
Find it on the web: Buy from Amazon // GoodreadsDate Completed: March 22, 2014
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In a society steeped in tradition, Princess Lia’s life follows a preordained course. As First Daughter, she is expected to have the revered gift of sight—but she doesn’t—and she knows her parents are perpetrating a sham when they arrange her marriage to secure an alliance with a neighboring kingdom—to a prince she has never met.On the morning of her wedding, Lia flees to a distant village. She settles into a new life, hopeful when two mysterious and handsome strangers arrive—and unaware that one is the jilted prince and the other an assassin sent to kill her. Deception abounds, and Lia finds herself on the brink of unlocking perilous secrets—even as she finds herself falling in love.


I started THE KISS OF DECEPTION immediately after I saw Jaime from Fic Fare‘s exciting updates on Instagram and Twitter! I was deep into a fantasy streak and was SO excited to get to this amazing first book in a new series.

THE KISS OF DECEPTION hits the ground running and I was already ready to fist pump for Lia after the first chapter. Basically the story is this: It’s Lia’s wedding day and she’s less than thrilled about her arranged marriage. She’s gone through all of the stages, every step of planning, and it’s her last chance to back out before it’s too late. It’s now or never and although Lia has a bit of a feisty streak, she has always stood by her family and their decisions… Until they took this very big decision out of her hands. Immediately the book was thrilling, action-packed, and had me rooting for a heroine I had only just met! I started off the book with high hopes and promises of adventure. I was excited for the Unfortunately, I felt like the book hit a pretty quick slump for me.

I’m not exactly sure where the I expected the story to go, but I think I was hoping for more of a journey and a sort of epic adventure. From after the first couple chapters until about halfway through the book, the story felt very stagnant to me — both in location as well as plot. There are some books I hope to not take the characters on epic journeys because I’m interested in their current situation but since THE KISS OF DECEPTION started off with so much action and excitement, that kind of set the tone for me and I wanted Lia to go exploring across the land that she hadn’t really been allowed to explore before. I wanted to meet all kinds of new people. I wanted run-ins and chases and escapes! I guess that’s not really fair of me to dictate what I wanted out of a book when I had no idea what it held in store for me, but I think it was that first chapter that really set up that expectation and had me yearning for more.

I understand that the plot can’t be action-packed ALL the time, but things felt a little too happy-go-lucky for me for a large portion of the book and it wasn’t helping me to pick it back up and jump back into the story. I didn’t feel the suspense that kept pulling me in to read. I wanted so much more of things that were supposed to be mysterious! I feel like there weren’t enough clues or I didn’t have enough foundation for the world building to be interested in the mysterious aspects or even understand that something about that situation was off. I have been noticing lately that for my personal preferences in fantasy, I need a lot of world building in the beginning of a story in order to really connect and place myself in that world. I felt like there was some really nice set-up in the first chapter, but then world building and details slowly gave way to romance and the stories of secondary characters instead of focus on Lia and what her decision means to this entire world. I wanted to know more about why this marriage was so important, exactly what being a First Daughter meant, what these little interludes were all about… I just needed to be a bit more established and understand what this world was all about.

THE KISS OF DECEPTION follows three POVs — Lia, the prince, and the assassin. I immediately loved the POV switch but down the line, it became kind of confusing differentiating between the two male POVs and… It set things up for a love triangle… which I really could have done without. I was excited at first to see how the two male characters would both get involved with Lia’s life, but soon it became an all out battle for her affections and that became the main conflict in the plot for a while which I really wasn’t satisfied with. It began to feel like too much of a macho man competition and at one point they actually do physically battle.

The action really started to pick up about halfway through and I started getting much more involved in the story! Everything that I had been hoping for from the beginning started falling into place and the world building kicked in once the characters began digging deeper into their own pasts as well as that of their cities. It wasn’t until the story was winding down and I was 75% of the way through that I started really getting into it. The little twists were popping up everywhere and I loved the constant surprises and action! There was one big surprise that I really liked WHAT it was but I didn’t like HOW it happened. I felt really confused on at first… like I actually had felt like I had read the entire book wrong. I don’t want to get in why because that would ruin the entire surprise but I was incredibly confused and actually had to go back and search for previous information as well as reach out to other who had read the book. Definitely felt really stupid for a while so I’m not sure what that says about that particular twist. I feel like twists shouldn’t be confusing…? Or maybe that’s just reader error there. I really couldn’t say, but I felt really disappointed that it shocked me to the state of confusion and not just surprised me.

I finished the book pretty quickly after that point and really enjoyed the remainder! Things became much clearer, characters got answers to their questions, and there was a really nice set up for the rest of the series. It’s so hard to say how I really felt about this book because my feelings were just all over the place. I think I had hoped for a little bit more and I definitely felt like the black sheep since the first reviews I saw for it were all five-star-flails. *shrugs*


“The View from Goodreads” is a new featured section in my reviews that I decided to incorporate! I tend to update my Goodreads status a LOT when I read — reactions, feelings, notes — so I thought it would be fun to share the sort of “reading process”! All status updates are spoiler-free (no specific plot points will be revealed) but will contain reactions to certain pages and/or characters!



Lia // Character Obsessions: Escape, independence, freedom.
Oh, I was just all over the place with Lia. I really loved her determination and bravery in the beginning, but as she got comfortable in her new life, I got bored. The more she got involved with her love triangle, I got frustrated. At times she was bold and other times she was hasty and overconfident. I just couldn’t get a good read on her and maybe that’s where I struggled so much at times. I think she started off very naïve at the beginning and it took her a while to really grow into her responsibility and accept what her duty to her family and her city really entails.


Kept Me Hooked On: High fantasy. I love a good high fantasy and really enjoyed the different aspects of the royalty, kingdoms, and religious mythology that Mary E. Pearson created here. Just wished there was a liiiittle bit more of it. (Okay, a lot.)
Left Me Wanting More: World building. So much more. I just… I need it at the beginning. I need to know what world I’m in to really connect with the characters, figure out what’s important to them, and what’s important to the overall plot. I didn’t even know what the actual gifts of the First Daughters were for the longest time. Went back to look. Couldn’t find it. It would have helped to have that kind of stuff just a little more established in the beginning.

Addiction Rating
Read it

I had some issues with this — apparently more than I realized — but the majority of folks to seem to be giving it the full green light and then some. It’s definitely worth the read, but if your reading tastes seem to resemble mine, then just watch out for those things!


(Click the cover to see my review!)

        The Winner's Curse             Graceling

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I'm an avid reader, candle-maker, and audiobook lover! Here you'll find book reviews, fun blog posts, and my other loves of photography & craft beer!

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7 thoughts on “The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles #1) – Mary E. Pearson

  1. Kayla

    I love that we don’t know who is who in this book. It’s been on my to-buy list for a while, and since the second comes out this summer I might have to get it soon. Thanks for the tip about the world-building – I also like to have a lot of it from the get go, but maybe knowing it’s not there going in will keep me from being disappointed.

  2. Emmah

    I’d pick this book to win for your Birthday Giveaway 2015! I’ve seen so many people ranting and raving about it, so I want to see what all the hype is about! I kept missing when it was in stock on BookOutlet, as it was never in stock when I was ordering other things on it!
    I’m worried about it being kind of stagnant like you said, but I’m hoping I’ll love it!

  3. Alexandra P.

    I have recieved great reviews avout this new series. One friend of mine also sent me a pic with the book map! I liked your review. There is mystery and the romance knows how to be developed! 🙂

    Also Thank you for the giveaway and happy birthday to you! 🙂

  4. Alexa S.

    Interesting! I’m glad to see another perspective on The Kiss of Deception from you. Even though it did have its weak points, it seems like it has a favorable impression from you overall, yes? I’m looking forward to reading this one for myself — and soon!

  5. Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

    SO I think I might have made the same mistake you did… Once we were introduced to the two men I thought i was supposed to know who was how so I sort of assigned them identities based on context clues and read the book that way AND I WAS WRONG so I was really confused at the big reveal. But aside from this mishap, I loved this book. I wish you had enjoyed it more from the beginning but I understand that if you were looking for world building there wasn’t much.

  6. Emily @ Books & Cleverness

    I haven’t actually read many review of this one considering the large hype surrounding it. I’m definitely planning on picking it up though. I agree about the world-building early on. I think that’s a crucial part of high fantasy books, especially at the beginning. Great review!

  7. Pam@YA Escape from Reality

    I absolutely loved this one (and I posted my review today too). I loved the way the author presented the two guys so you never knew who was the assassin and who was the prince (Rafe versus Kaden). I really didn’t see it as a love triangle because she was drawn to just one guy the whole time (romantically wise) although I’m wondering, given the ending, if that will change in the next one. I just connected to the characters for some reason so I was feeling all the feels. Sorry you had some issues with it!

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